Antigen & PCR testing options in B.C. and Seattle (best prices, locations, turnaround times)
Cheaper antigen tests in the range of $16 to $40 have become easy to find in Alberta and Ontario, and are now available at Shoppers Drug Mart, Walmart, and Costco.
But for antigen tests are still *really* expensive in B.C. (approximately 3 to 6 times more than in Alberta and Ontario).
Antigen tests are fine for mainland U.S. entry or for flights connecting through the U.S., but some countries require a PCR test for entry. (You can find the details on what each country requires for entry here).
Starting February 28, 2022 antigen tests will also be an option for entry into Canada. However, your test needs to be taken outside of Canada.
Antigen test results can often take less than an hour, while PCR turnaround times are generally in the range of 24-48 hours.
PCR tests go for approximately $200 in and around Vancouver, which is about 1.3 to 2 times the going rate in Alberta and Ontario.
Sorted by price, here are some options for *antigen* testing in B.C.:
Life Centers
price: $20 for the first person, and $5 extra for each person after that (maximum of 4) if you all take the test in the same 15 minute time slot.
note: Life Centers is a health care company that will supervise you taking an antigen test over the Internet using Google Meets. You provide your own rapid antigen test(s). It can be any antigen test that is approved by Health Canada, including the free ones that the government gives out. Supervised telehealth tests are valid for travel to the U.S., and are also be accepted for entry into Canada by *air* as of February 28th.
For *land* entry into Canada, there have been reports of people having issues with telehealth (online) tests if the lab certificate / address is in Canada, because the land border wants your test to be taken in the U.S. (even though you very well may have taken the test in the U.S., over the Internet). There are no such issues using telehealth testing for air travel entry into Canada.
website: https://lifecenters.ca/
price: $20 USD (note the currency) per person when using your own Health Canada approved rapid test. Telehealth supervision.
Azova is a health care company that will supervise you taking an antigen test over the Internet, making it valid for travel to the U.S. or Canada. You provide your own rapid antigen test(s). It can be any antigen test that is approved by Health Canada, including the free ones that the government gives out.
Your flight does not need to be with WestJet or Swoop to use this service.
Read the notes under Life Centers above (similar concept) for more info.
website: https://www.azova.com/westjetswoop/travelvideo.html
price: $25 CAD per person when using your own Health Canada approved rapid test. Telehealth supervision over Zoom.
MediOneRx is a health care company that will supervise you taking an antigen test over the Internet, making it valid for travel to the U.S. or Canada. You provide your own rapid antigen test(s). It can be any antigen test that is approved by Health Canada, including the free ones that the government gives out.
Read the notes under Life Centers above (similar concept) for more info and things to note.
website: https://www.medionerx.com/virtualcare/
price: $36-$39 per person
note: Acculab is a health care company that will supervise you taking an antigen test (that you provide) over the Internet. Read the info about Life Centers above, it's pretty much the same, but Acculab costs more.
website: https://acculab.ca/book/
Switch Health Antigen Self Test Kit
price: $39.50 per test ($79 for 2 tests)
note: This is a self-test kit that you can have shipped to you in Canada ahead of your trip, and then you take the test yourself at home over the Internet. It is an antigen test that is acceptable for entry into the U.S. and other countries where antigen results are acceptable for entry. The results take about 45 minutes.
website: https://switchhealth.ca/en/partners/aeroplan/#collectionKits
Bon Voyage Medical
price: $70 to $110 (varies by location)
locations: Vancouver airport, Richmond, Coquitlam
website: https://www.bonvoyagemedical.com/#nHdWPs
JC Health
price: $75
locations: Surrey
website: https://jchealth.ca/pages/covid-19-testing
Live Well Medical Centre
price: $75
locations: Richmond
website: https://livewellmedicalcentre.com/covid-19-travel-testing
CVM Medical
price: $79 (Vancouver) to $195 (Nanaimo)
locations: YVR Airport, Nanaimo
website: https://covid-medical.ca/test-select-location/
Far & Away
price: $89
locations: Victoria
website: https://farandawayadventures.com/travel-the-world/covid-19-testing/
Iridia Medical
price: $90
locations: Vancouver, mobile testing available
website: https://www.covidconcierge.ca/contact-us
Integrated Wellness Medical Centre
price: $95
locations: Richmond
website: https://www.inwellnv.ca/
Midtown Medical Clinic
price: $99
locations: Richmond, Vancouver
website: https://www.midtownmedical.net/
Ultima Vancouver
price: $99
locations: Vancouver airport, level 1 of main terminal (below domestic)
website: https://ultimamedical.com/
Whitecap Medical
price: $99 to $120 (varies by location)
locations: airports in Vancouver, Kelowna, Nanaimo, Terrace, Prince George
website: https://whitecapcovidtesting.com/
Go Rapid Test
price: $99
locations: Vancouver
website: https://www.gorapidtest.ca/collections/vancouver
Rock Doc
price: $105
locations: Surrey, Langley
website: https://rockdocinc.ca/services/travel/
Canadian Travel Clinics
price: $115
locations: Vancouver
website: https://www.canadiantravelclinics.ca/Clinics/1056-/Travel-Clinic-Vancouver-Downtown
Covid Travel Vancouver
price: $119
locations: Vancouver, Burnaby, Kerrisdale, Surrey
website: https://covidtravelvancouver.ca/
Fast Test
price: $125
locations: Vancouver at the Fairmont
website: https://fast-test.ca/
Boundless Medical
price: $130
locations: Victoria (Shelbourne Plaza)
website: https://www.boundlessbc.com/book
Sorted by price, here are some options for *PCR* testing in B.C.:
CVM Medical
price: $149 (Vancouver) - within 36 hours
locations: YVR Airport, Nanaimo
website: https://covid-medical.ca/test-select-location/
Seymour Health Centre
price: $149 for results in 48 hours or $199 for 24 hours (before 11 AM) or same-day for $699
locations: Vancouver
website: https://www.seymourhealth.ca/ or their booking page
Life Labs
price: $150 - within 48 hours
locations: Vancouver airport
website: https://www.lifelabs.com/flyclear/predeparture/?myProvince=bc
Rock Doc
price: $150 - next day
locations: Vancouver
website: https://www.rockdocdigital.com/vancouver
Shoppers Drug Mart / LifeLabs
price: $150 - 24 to 48 hours
locations: various locations in Vancouver, Nanaimo, Abbotsford
website: https://covid-19.shoppersdrugmart.ca/en/testing/international-outbound/bc
A+ Travel Tests
price: $157 - 24 to 48 hours
locations: Vancouver
website: https://aplustraveltests.ca/
Live Well Medical Centre
price: $160 for next day, $299 for same day
locations: Richmond
website: https://livewellmedicalcentre.com/covid-19-travel-testing
Connectus Global
price: $175 - 48 hours or $250 for 24 hours or same day for $375
locations: Victoria Airport (YYJ)
website: http://www.connectusglobal.com/victoria-airport-testing-facility/
Bon Voyage Medical
price: $180 - by 11 PM next day or $320 for 11 PM same day or $595 within an hour
locations: Richmond, Coquitlam
website: https://www.bonvoyagemedical.com/#nHdWPs
Inwell Medical
price: $180 - 24 to 48 hours
locations: North Vancouver, Port Coquitlam
website: https://www.inwellnv.ca/
IME Clinic
price: $180 for 48 hours, $240 for 24 hours, $340 for 12 hours
locations: Vancouver
website: https://www.imeclinic.ca
Whitecap Medical
price: $180 - 24 to 48 hours
locations: airports in Vancouver, Kelowna, Nanaimo, Terrace
website: https://whitecapcovidtesting.com/
Iridia Medical
price: $185 - by next day at 4 PM
locations: Vancouver, mobile testing available
website: https://www.covidconcierge.ca/contact-us
Far & Away
price: $189 - by end of the following day
locations: Victoria
website: (website is down) https://farandawayadventures.com/travel-the-world/covid-19-testing/
Covid Travel Vancouver
price: $195 in Vancouver, $245 in Victoria - next day results
locations: Vancouver, Burnaby, Kerrisdale, Surrey
website: https://covidtravelvancouver.ca/
Midtown Medical Clinic
price: $195 - within 48 hours or $269 within 8 hours or $499 within 4 hours
locations: Richmond, Vancouver
website: https://www.midtownmedical.net/
Ultima Vancouver
price: $199 - no guaranteed timeframe for results
locations: Vancouver airport, level 1 of main terminal (below domestic)
website: https://ultimamedical.com/
Canadian Travel Clinics
price: $199 - before 3 PM next day
locations: Vancouver
website: https://www.canadiantravelclinics.ca/Clinics/1056-/Travel-Clinic-Vancouver-Downtown
Sina Medical Clinic
price: $199 - 24 hours
locations: Vancouver
website: https://mysina.ca/med/covid-19-pcr-testing/
Travel Safe Clinic
price: $230 (next day) to $330 (same day) - mobile testing available
locations: Vancouver
website: https://travelsafeclinic.ca/covid-19-testing/
Burnside Clinic
price: $250 - 24 to 48 hours
locations: Victoria
website: https://www.burnsideclinic.ca/
Heart Pharmacy
price: $300 - 24 to 48 hours
locations: Victoria
website: https://www.heartpharmacy.com/covid-testing
Getting a test in Seattle to come back to Canada
Whether you're re-entering Canada by land, or by air, you'll need a test result. It's important to remember that Canada does not accept antigen test results for entry. You'll want a test with PCR or NAAT somewhere in the name.
Up here in Canada, the word 'rapid' is generally only associated with antigen tests. Down in the U.S. you can also find the word rapid associated with PCR or NAAT tests. Rapid PCR and Rapid NAAT tests are fine for entry into Canada.
Besides any test with PCR in the name, the 'NAAT (ID Now)' test from Walgreens is a popular choice for Canadians to get back into Canada. The results are generally faster than a PCR test.
'Free' testing at Walgreens
It is true that many Canadians have been getting 'free' PCR and NAAT tests from Walgreens locations across the United States, including in Washington. These 'free' tests are really being paid for by Uncle Sam. It does not appear to be bothering Uncle Sam, and Walgreens isn't bothered either, because, well, Uncle Sam is paying *them*.
Canadians have just been using essentially made-up info when booking (other than their name), and Walgreens only really cares that your name matches when they check your passport or license. When the booking page asks for your address, most have just been using their hotel address. And entering whatever they want for their license info.
Sorted by price, here are some options for *PCR* or *NAAT* testing in Seattle:
price: Free (see above) to $139 USD
locations: around the Seattle area
turnaround time: less than 24 hours for the Rapid (ID NOW) test to 'hopefully 24-48 hours' for PCR (see below)
website: https://www.walgreens.com/findcare/covid19/testing?ban=covid_vanity_testing (scroll down to the map and select 'Rapid Diagnostic Test (ID NOW)' or Diagnostic Lab Test (PCR).
There have been reports of Canadians finding that Walgreens took longer than they expected to receive results, and had to end up paying for a more expensive last minute test somewhere else. Although that does seem to be more the exception than the rule. Walgreens has some links to their current turnaround times at the bottom of this page.
King County or UW Medicine
price: Free
locations: Seatac (near the Seattle airport) and other locations around Seattle
turnaround time: They can't guarantee turnaround time, only 'Please allow up to 72 hours for results'
website: https://kingcounty.gov/depts/health/covid-19/testing.aspx or https://www.uwmedicine.org/coronavirus/testing
note: The Angle Lake location is the one near the airport. The booking page for those with no symptoms can be found here.
price: Free (see Walgreens 'free' testing info above)
locations: 3 in the Seattle area. The one in Bellevue is temporarily closed.
website: https://www.cvs.com/minuteclinic/covid-19-testing/covid-scheduler?symptoms=covid
U.S. Biotek
price: $113 CAD, We had results within 12 hours, but they guarantee within 72 hours.
locations: Shoreline, north of Seattle
website: https://www.usbiotek.com/drive-up-covid-19-testing
Azova RT-LAMP Self Test Kit
price: $149 CAD, results take about 45 minutes
note: This is a self-test kit that you can have shipped to you in Canada ahead of your trip, and then you take the test yourself using the Internet. It is a RT-LAMP test that is acceptable for entry into Canada.
website: https://www.azova.com/westjetswoop/
Switch Health RT-LAMP Self Test Kit
price: $149 CAD, results take about 45 minutes
note: This is a self-test kit that you can have shipped to you in Canada ahead of your trip, and then you take the test yourself using the Internet. It is a RT-LAMP test that is acceptable for entry into Canada. Make sure you are looking at the RT-LAMP test on the website below. The PCR test on the same website requires you to send the test in by mail.
website: https://switchhealth.ca/en/partners/aeroplan/#collectionKits
Discovery Health MD
price: $176-$184 USD for PCR (same day or next day) or $206 for NAAT ID NOW (20 minutes) or $246 USD for rapid PCR (1 hour)
locations: Seattle Airport
website: https://discoveryhealthmd.com/offer/seatac-testing/
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17 Responses to "Antigen & PCR testing options in B.C. and Seattle (best prices, locations, turnaround times)"
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Perfect post, tbh I needed this. Unfortunately the tests are still all expensive. Luckily there's some ways around it, like transiting Mexico. Abroad the tests can be more or less expensive. In Colombia a PCR test only cost me about $85, way more reasonable than the $200 it is here.
Amazon is selling home PCR tests for around $30-40 dollars. You get a prepaid return to send the test in / results in 24-48 hours. You need one amazon account for each person testes.
Thanks Joy, I see those on Amazon.com (US site) but not on Amazon.ca.
I believe those tests can only be shipped to addresses in the U.S.
Chris, You missed out Shoppers Drug Mart for PCR tests ( partnership with Lifelabs ) It is only $150, the lowest I could find in BC. It is good for Hawaii too.
Oops, thanks Grace, added!
Thanks for this list we have been unable to get a straight answer out of LifeLabs at to why not all locations offer the service or which ones did. We have had to cancel our planned trip to Hawaii in NOV due to the lack of PCR testing services in the rest of BC. We would have to fly to YVR 2 days early to be tested and have results so in addition to the 199.00 for the test its two nights hotel, meals and entertainment just makes the trip too expensive before we have even left BC.
thanks for the post, i was wondering if you could do a post about which countries will allow travelers with mixed vaccine doses and which ones will not allow mixed doses as i have one dose of moderna and 1 Pfizer. also, a post for which places in canada you can get a 3rd dose so you can travel to those countries would be helpful to as i live in BC and they don't want to give us a 3rd dose yet, thanks!
Hi Austin, you may want to check out this blog post.
It would be easier to give you a list of countries where mixed vaccinations have been an issue. Of the 104 countries a Canadian tourist can currently visit, I would say 102 of them do not have issues with mixed vaccinations.
Here are the 2 I'm aware of where mixed vaccinations are currently an issue:
Trinidad and Tobago: only accepts certain combinations (they all involve AstraZeneca or Covishield as your first dose)
Ireland: Anecdotally, I often hear people mention that Ireland does not accept mixed vaccinations. And a recent article from the Tourism Ireland board stated: "Mixed dose vaccines are still not recognized in Ireland, however that will likely change in the coming months." However I've also seen recent posts from Canadians with mixed vaccinations that entered without issue.
** Other notes **
United States: Currently, the mainland U.S. does not consider your vaccination status for entry, so it is not currently an issue. But we're still waiting to see what happens in early November when full vaccination will be required for U.S. entry and their policy on mixed doses for entry. We do know that all 4 of the vaccines approved in Canada will be allowed (including AstraZeneca)
Also, U.S. cruise lines departing from U.S. ports have issues with mixed vaccinations (Royal Caribbean recently started allowing them).
United Kingdom: Does not recognize mixed vaccinations, but we are currently on the UK's Green list, so our vaccination status does not matter. Starting on October 4th the UK (England at least) will be recognizing mixed vaccinations.
** places where mixed vaccinations were previously an issue **
Barbados: At one point Barbados wasn't recognizing mixed vaccinations, but they changed their entry policy to allow mixed vaccinations starting July 16th, 2021.
Europe: Not really related to 'mixed' doses per se, but back in July 2021, countries in Europe seemingly had an issue with 'Covishield', although the issue was mainly bureaucratic, being a different name for the same vaccine (AstraZeneca). Since that time, most of these countries have come out and stated they are fine with Covishield now.
With today's announcement, it might make sense for some people to know the best places to get a PCR test in Seattle. After doing a lot of research recently, the best option I found was US Biotek in Shoreline, north of Seattle. It's US$90 per person for the test. They say that they will get you the results within 36 hours, but on a trip this past weekend, it took them 6 hours to get them to me. Because they are a lab, the results are much quicker (most other testing sites down there send the tests to labs, which just adds to the time and uncertainty).
Otherwise, PCR tests can be hard / expensive to get in Washington, especially if you go over a weekend. Even US Biotek is not open on weekends. We went to a different part of Washington and there was no option whatsoever that would guarantee us a result within 72 hours, even during the week, so we stopped in Seattle on Friday on the way through and got the test. I know people who have used Walgreens, but I also have multiple friends and family members who've gotten the run around on how long results will take and even which locations conduct the tests -- contradicting their website frequently.
ok thank you Chris, very useful info
Thanks for compiling this list, Chris. These prices are insane. My understanding from a CBC article is that other provinces are paying half what BC residents are being forced to pay... ON and AB, IIRC. Are there any organizations actively lobbying for a drop in rates?
Hi Cate, yes, the going market rates in Alberta and Ontario for antigen tests are in the range of 3 to 6 times cheaper than British Columbia. PCR tests are approximately 1.3 to 2 times cheaper.
Other Canadian provinces have test prices that are as expensive as B.C., or even more expensive, such as Manitoba. The cheapest PCR tests in Winnipeg are $350, versus $150-$200 in the Vancouver area.
But I can kind of understand the high prices in a province like Manitoba where the number of private testing locations is so limited.
I haven't seen any organizations lobbying for lower testing prices.
Just to confirm we each paid $180 (tax incl.) on two different occasions here in Port Coquitlam for a PCR test https://www.integratedwellness.clinic/covid-19-testing-essential-travel/ Both times we booked online and there were lots of available appointments - and only in the morning. Booked at 11:50 and the results were emailed by 9:30 AM the next day. Incidentally the KLM desk in Vancouver ( wife on Aug 8th, me on Sept. 17) thoroughly checked our documents - vaccination/PCR test for Hungary/Dutch Health Form (easy one pager - we were in transit in Amsterdam). After that they barely said boo to us in Amsterdam and there were Zero checks in Budapest ... I didn't see a single uniform at their airport ... and no one was wearing a mask either. One month later and the latter is still the case.
Hi Chris. Thanks for all of your hard work!
Note that JC Health in Surrey currently lists their antigen test as $75, not $65. I think they tweaked the price in the last few days.
Thanks Marie! I've updated the price for JC Health.
Hi Chris, My son and I are travelling to Las Vegas from Vancouver for a baseball tournament November 10 - 14. Where do we get a test in Las Vegas prior to returning to Canada?
Had a test on October 10th at S.D.M. in Saanich. Apparently they are no longer doing them. It cost aprrox $200.00!
Since then I've had 8 more in various countries - the most I paid was $25.00 in Abu Dhabi and $8.00 in Yemen. Iraq cost $5.00 and the rest were free. Every country, other than Canada has been an easy procedure, no booking necessary and easily accessible.